
This spring, our school will be partnering with Lake City Farms to get our very own food garden growing here at Inglis Street Elementary School! We are hoping to involve the students, teachers, parents and community members to grow a beautiful school garden.

We need your help to make this a success! It doesn’t matter how much or how little time you are able to give, everyone counts. Here are some ways to get involved:

-Building up a supply of gardening equipment

-Shovelling soil

-Making crop signs

-Watering and weeding during the school year

-Summer maintenance. There will be “garden parties” two evenings a week during the summer months for weeding, watering, and having fun together.

-Helping with various fund-raising projects to keep the garden going year after year

-Harvest projects (in the fall)

-Documenting the project with photos or video

If you’re interested in getting involved with any aspect of this project, please contact Monique Hartlen (421-6060; monique.hartlen@ns.sympatico.ca) or Christine Oreskovich (492-0490; oreskovich@gmail.com).